Reacting to a breach

Through a combination of necessity and convenience, most companies can no longer afford to not have a digital presence. As we move into the last quarter of 2022, we're entering a time associated with heavier online usage thanks to events like Black Friday and holiday shopping.

But wherever there's demand, there's attention from malicious outsiders trying to exploit your website, data and sensitive information. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much you spend on defences - all it takes is one errant click or lapse of judgement for hackers to be in. If that's the case, what do you do next?

Reacting to a breach

Your first step is to take a deep breath and accept that it's happened. No company is exempt from being hacked, no matter how big or small. You're not alone - some of the biggest companies in the world have been successfully hacked, and they're still standing. So can you.

Once you've taken a moment to calm down - and reported any breaches to the ICO - it's time to assess the damage and work out what needs to be done to mitigate it. Usually, this involves bringing in external help, whether that's from law enforcement, an IT security specialist or a public relations firm.

You'll also need to take steps to ensure that it doesn't happen again, which might mean updating your software, changing your passwords or increasing security measures. Whatever it is, make sure you have a plan in place to stop it from happening again.

Invest to Properly Defend

Cyber attacks can be devastating for companies, but they don't have to be the end of the world. With a calm head and a clear plan, you can get through it and come out the other side. That doesn't mean you should give up hope on investing in defences, either. With that in mind, what steps can you take to give yourself the best possible chance of defending yourself from outsiders?

1. Keep your software up to date

2. Use strong and unique passwords

3. Increase security measures

4. Have a plan in place for if/when breaches happen again

5. Invest in cyber security insurance

Don't Go it Alone

To ensure optimal defences, companies should consider turning to a Managed Service Provider for help. MSPs can take care of your IT needs, including patch management, system updates and security monitoring, freeing up your internal resources to focus on other areas. Equally, it also offers the peace of mind that comes with knowing your systems are in good hands.

When it comes to cyber security, prevention is better than cure. But even the best defences can't always stop a determined attacker. By being prepared and knowing what to do if it happens, you can minimise the damage and get back to business as usual as quickly as possible.

Cyber security attacks are becoming more and more common, and companies need to be prepared in case they're targeted. While there's no guarantee that you'll never be hacked, taking steps to minimise the damage - and having a plan in place for what to do after a breach - can help you get through it. 

Cyber security is an ongoing process, not a one-time event, so make sure you're always reviewing your defences and looking for ways to improve.

If you're still concerned, reach out to our team, and we'll explore the ways we can help.


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