SOC Services

What is the Fifosys Security Operations Centre?

The Fifosys Security Operations Centre (SOC) is a facility that houses an information security team. Responsible for the ongoing monitoring of a client environment, the goal is to detect, analyse and respond to cybersecurity incidents. Additionally, measures are put in place to reduce the likelihood of a business falling victim to a cyber attack.

The Fifosys SOC is designed as a suite of products, enabling organisations to increase their security posture, whilst implementing a dedicated security operations centre - typically only attainable for large enterprise organisations. Our SOC covers all aspects of security, and monitors, cloud environments, networks, servers, endpoints, databases, applications and other systems that form part of a modern business ICT footprint.

When would you need Fifosys SOC management?

The days of antivirus and a firewall being enough to protect a business are over. If an organisation is asking questions similar to those below, then the Fifosys SOC could be your solution

  • What is my current security position?

  • How do I increase the awareness of my staff regarding cybersecurity?

  • Do I need cyber insurance?

  • How do I reduce the risk of an attack on my business?

  • Is my data on the Dark Web?

  • Are all my applications, operating systems and hardware patched and up to date?

  • How do I maintain the security of my staff's devices?

  • How do I manage multiple passwords?

  • How can I proactively detect malicious network and system activity?

The main benefit of having a SOC is to improve incident detection through continuous monitoring and analysis of data activity, reducing the attack surface of a client and the overall risk to the organisation. A SOC gives organisations an advantage to defend against incidents and intrusions, regardless of source, time of day, or attack type.

Our approach

Fifosys is a vendor-independent, product-agnostic IT consultant, so we can focus on what is best for your business. We have built up several years of real-world, practical security experience, meaning we can help you address your needs with solutions that perfectly match your business requirements, working around the following four principles: 

  • Awareness

  • Assessment

  • Prevention

  • Identify and Action

Cyber Security is key for businesses, feel free to shout if you need further information.

Fifosys - SOC Servces

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